Be Green, Be Healthy, Be Bold

Fresh Idea’s Be Green, Be Healthy, Be Bold program encourages awareness on a variety of topics including nutrition, sustainability, food origin and food waste. Highlighted above, is the Be Healthy series of the fall campaign. This part of the series focused on the benefits of eating a variety of colors. We highlights three colors with benefits that served out target audience.


I utilized existing program branding that was created by Sarah Carnes, that creatively incorporated a cutout of Fresh Idea’s primary logo. Sourced display type, stock food photography, and other graphic elements were used to construct the final compositions.

For each design I created a variety of print and digital items. Printed collateral included a flyer, table tent and napkin insert for each design. Digital collateral included static screen images in a variety of sizes, motion graphic videos and social media content in a variety of sizes for each platform.

Below are the award-winning motion graphics for the Be Green series of the fall campaign. I wanted to bring our print items to motion at the campuses that had the ability to display video on their systems.


The copy really dictated the color choices. I started with finding the photography I was going to utilize and then chose hues and tones that would allow for contrast within the composition. Layering with a gradient and subtle texture added the perfect punch of dimension!


The BGBHBB display text is comprised of serif Black Tulip, with Cosmopolitan Script overlay. The body text is Bebas Neue Pro.


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