To Make a Fortune in Missouri

“Two centuries ago, the promise of cheap land and abundant resources enticed Americans westward to the frontier that was Missouri. Some halted at St. Louis while others moved on to establish small farms and villages, their dreams satisfied. More restless men — risk takers, entrepreneurs, adventurers — sought greater opportunities for creating wealth in the new state.” - Lee M. Cullimore

To Make a Fortune, the Meredith Marmaduke Biography was my first book assignment. I established the creative direction and worked with the author and editor to fine tune the cover art. I turned to Kaci Smart, another Missouri designer, to lay out the body of the book using the approved creative direction.


The cover and chapter title pages utilize the Milkstore family of typefaces. This font’s style embodies the era of which the book was written about, while also being sophisticated enough to have a timeless feel that won’t be dated by trends. The body type of the book is ITC Berkeley Oldstyle Std, an easy to read serif that perfectly pairs with the Milkstore family.


To Make a Fortune utilizes a bold green and a metallic gold inlay. This allows for a bold visual display on bookshelves and reinforces the themes of the biography.

The color palette consists of the following of the Pantone+ CMYK Coated collection:

Pantone 2427
Pantone Black

The dust jacket was printed with a gloss finish.


“As the author of To Make a Fortune, the Meredith Marmaduke biography, I am extremely pleased with the pre-print production that was done by your staff. The book demonstrates their professionalism and their interest in the project. The cover, especially, is commendable for its design - original, inclusive of numerous elements, and attractive. When placed in a bookstore setting, the book stands out, demands a viewer’s attention - accomplishing what a dust jacket is supposed to do. I have admired the cover design from the first moment I saw it.

Please convey to all who worked on this project my sincere appreciation for a job well done.”

If you’re interested in purchasing To Make a Fortune, the Meredith Marmaduke Biography, it can be found here.


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